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Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy describes how, PPY Production AB, corp. reg. no. 556689-6857, Kungsporten 1C 427 50 Billdal (”PPY”) will process your personal data. The terms “we, ours, our and us” below refer to PPY.

PPY provides the website In order to be able to provide this website and pertaining customer service we need to process our customers’ and visitors’ personal data. PPY is personal data controller for such

processing and always processes personal data in accordance with applicable law, including the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. PPY works actively to protect your personal data by taking technical and organisational measurers.

PPY wants you to feel secure with the data we process and for the purposes we process your data. We therefore request that you read this privacy policy that describes how we process your personal information and which also

provides you with information about your rights according to law. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about our processing of your personal data. You will find our contact information in clause 6 below.

1 What personal data do we process?

We process the following personal data about you:

- Name,

- Contact information, such as address, cell phone number and e-mail address,

- Personal identification number,

- Order history and payment information, such as information about the product you purchased, card details, date and time of the transaction, invoice address, chosen form of payment and other information about your purchase,

- Customer number,

- Password to customer account,

- Information about any default in payments and record of non-payment of debt,

- Information about your contact with us by for example telephone, email, Facebook, Instagram

and YouTube (such as matter and correspondence),

- Information related to complaints or use of your right of cancellation,

- Information in your competition entry,

- IP number,

- Information about the hardware and software you use and its settings, and

- Information about your browsing habits including, among other things, your geographical location, session time, external pages previously visited, which of our pages you visit, your interests, what products you visited or placed in your shopping basket and information about your other use of our services and products.

In the event that we do not receive personal data directly from you, we can receive access to it from our collaboration partners or from official registers. PPY can also receive information about you from PPY’s payment service providers and transportation companies regarding payment and delivery of orders.

PPY may receive emails and other correspondence that contain personal data about third parties, and PPY therefore processes such personal data. If required, PPY will inform you as a third party about the processing.

2 For which purposes and according to which legal bases do we process your personal data?

For administration of customer relations, account and orders

We process names, contact information, personal identification number, customer information, password to your customer account, order history and payment information, information about your contacts with us as well as your IP

number to be able to manage your account, your orders and returns and to otherwise fulfilling our undertakings to you. This includes, for example, enabling you to create an account and to order our products and ensure that we can send order confirmations and notifications about delivery status and delivery problems as well as package and deliver ordered products to you. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data in this regard is that it is necessary

to fulfil our agreement with you or to take measures prior to entering into our agreement. If you do not provide the above-mentioned personal data, we will not be able to offer and deliver our services and products or otherwise fulfill our undertakings towards you.

PPY processes your personal data for these purposes as long as you have a customer account with PPY or until we have delivered the products to you.

To provide customer service

We process names, contact information, customer information, information about your contacts with us and order history and payment information to handle customer service matters and provide good service, such as answering questions that you have and providing support by telephone, email or other channels such as social media. The legal basis for our processing in this regard is that it is necessary for our legitimate interest in meeting your needs and providing you with the best possible service. Our interest in processing your personal data for this purpose takes precedence over your possible interest of protecting your personal privacy.

Personal data that is processed to provide customer service is stored for two years after completed purchase. Information and correspondence regarding customer service matters are stored for two years after the customer service matter is closed.

For managing complaints, returns etc.

We process names, contact information, personal identification numbers, order history and payment information, customer information, information about your contacts with us as well as information related to complaints or the use of your right of cancellation in order to be able to fulfil any of your requests to return products or to assert your rights as a consumer to claim defect and delay liability against us. The legal basis for our processing in this regard is that it is necessary to fulfil our agreement with you as well as to fulfil legal obligations that we have according to consumer legislation.

Personal data that we process in order to manage complaints, returns etc. will be stored for the duration that we have these legal obligations and undertakings towards you in accordance with the law or our agreement with you.

For marketing

We process names, contact information, customer information, information about your contacts with us, IP number, information about the hardware and software you use and information about your browsing habits for the purpose of informing you about our products and services. We may, among other things, send relevant marketing offers to you in the form of newsletters and promotional offers via social media and email, and provide customized advertisements. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data for this purpose is that the processing is necessary for our legitimate interest in being able to market products and services that we believe you may be interested in. Our interest in processing your personal data for this purpose takes precedence over your possible interest in protecting your privacy. If you have stated that you do not wish to receive marketing from us we will, of course, not send marketing to you.

Personal data that we process for marketing purposes is processed until your customer relationship with us comes to an end and for one year thereafter. This means that you may receive marketing from us during one year from the time we last delivered products to you.

For promotions and competitions

We process names, contact information, information about your contacts with us as well as information in your competition contribution in order to enable you to take part in the competitions and promotions that we arrange on, among others things, social media and thereby win great prizes. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data for this purpose is that the processing is necessary for our legitimate interest in providing competitions and promotions to you. Our interest in processing your personal data for this purpose takes precedence over your possible interest in protecting your personal privacy.

Personal data that we process for promotions and competitions is stored until the current promotion or competition is completed.

For quality assurance of our business

We process names, contact information, customer number, order history and payment information as well as information about your contacts with us in order to ensure the quality of our business, conduct customer surveys as well as to optimize our website and services. The legal basis for our processing in this regard is that it is necessary for our legitimate interest of meeting your needs, providing you with the best possible service and developing our business. Our interest in processing your personal data for this purpose therefore takes precedence over your possible interest of protecting your personal privacy.

The personal data that we process about you in order to ensure the quality of our business is stored for two years after the purchase has been completed. The results of our customer surveys are always reported in anonymised

form, which means that we do not process any personal data for this purpose after we have sent the personal data for carrying out the relevant customer survey.

For statistics

We may process names, contact information, customer numbers, order history and payment information, information about your contacts with us, information related to complaints and the use of the right of cancellation, IP number, information about the hardware and software you use as well as information about your browsing habits for the purpose of producing overall statistics regarding our business and the use of our website, products, and services. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data is that it is necessary for our legitimate interest in being able to evaluate the quality of our products and services over time and develop them for the future. Our interest in processing your personal data for this purpose takes precedence over your possible interest of protecting your personal privacy.

The personal data that we process about you for statistics is stored until we send it to the analysis tool. The results are reported in anonymised form, which means that we do not process any personal data for this purpose after we have sent the personal data for statistical analysis.

For accounting

For accounting purposes, we process information about the transaction that took place between PPY and you and that relates the order you placed. For this reason, we will process your name, contact information, personal identification number as well as order and payment information. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data for this purpose is that it is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation that is incumbent upon us.

Personal data that PPY processes for accounting purposes is retained for seven years from the end of the calendar year when the current fiscal year ended.

3 To who do we disclose the personal data and where do we process it geographically?

Your personal data may be disclosed to and processed by others. We may disclose your personal data to our parent company and other companies included in the Group. Examples of third parties that we disclose your personal data to include service providers of payment solutions, freight forwarders in connection with the delivery of goods and external consultants such as auditors or law firms for handling accounting and legal matters in our business. These operators are independently responsible for their handling of your personal data.

We also disclose your personal data to our collaboration partners and to our service providers who process personal data on our behalf, so-called personal data processors. We have agreements with our personal data processors to ensure that they process your personal data in accordance with this policy and our instructions.

We may disclose your personal data to public authorities that require us to disclose such personal data.

We may also disclose your personal data to allow a merger, acquisition or sale of all or part of PPY’s assets.

PPY and PPY’s collaboration partners process, as a general rule, your personal data only within the EU and EEA. Should personal data be processed outside of the EU and EEA, PPY will take measures to ensure that the personal data continues to be equally protected and also take the necessary measures to legally transfer personal data to countries outside of the EU and EEA.

4 Storage of personal data

We will only process personal data as long as there is a need to retain them in order to fulfill the purposes for which the data was submitted or collected, in accordance with what is indicated for the respective purposes under clause 2 above. The same personal data may be stored in several different places for different purposes. This may mean

that data which has been removed from a system because it is no longer necessary there and for that purpose may remain in another system for another purpose where the personal data is still needed.

Your personal data may be stored for longer period of time than stated above if it is necessary in order to comply with legal requirements or government decisions.

5 Your rights

When we process your personal data you have certain rights according to law. Please note that exercising these rights is subject to certain requirements and conditions specified by law (EU’s General Data Protection Regulation)

Information, access, rectification and erasure etc.

You have the right to request, in writing and free of charge, to receive information about what personal data we have registered about you. You can, at any time, request rectification of incorrect information and you may also have the right to request that we erase personal data we have registered about you, request that the processing is restricted or object to the processing and request that we provide you with a copy of this personal data.

If you do not have grounds for your request or your request is unreasonable, we have the right to refuse to meet your request or to charge an administrative fee for costs incurred by your request.

Data portability

You may also have the right to obtain personal data relating to you and that you have provided to us in a structured, generally used and machine-readable format, and you may have the right to transfer this data to another personal

data controller when technically possible.


You may, at any time, object to the processing of personal data based on our legitimate interests, e.g. direct marketing. We will subsequently no longer be able to process the personal data if we are unable to prove compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms or if it is for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. If you do not wish for us to process your personal data for direct marketing, please notify us through our contact information in clause 6 below. We will then cease to process your personal data for this purpose.

Your right to file a complaint

If you are dissatisfied with how we have processed your personal data, please contact us, see our contact information in clause 6. You also have the right to file a complaint about our personal data processing to:


Box 8114

104 20 Stockholm

6 Contact PPY

You can contact us as follows:

- By email to,

- by telephone +46 (0)31-708 47 80,

- by letter or visiting us at PPY Production AB, Kungsporten 1 C, 427 50 Billdal.

7 Changes

PPY reserves the right to change and update this privacy policy. In the event of material changes of the privacy policy or if existing personal data is to be processed in another way than specified in the privacy policy, PPY will inform you of such changes in an appropriate manner. 



PPY Production AB

Kungsporten 1C

427 50 Billdal


Tele: +46 31 708 47 80


Quality, function and design by Pelle P. Technical sports wear and sport fashion for active people.